
Welcome to the all-new, personalised

generic sport07 October 2022 19:48| © SuperSport
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With the 2022 FIFA World Cup mere weeks away, we are excited to invite you into our new world and experience the completely revamped SuperSport website!

At this stage it is only the beta version, but the live one will follow soon after, and you have the opportunity to help us launch with the best product possible.

We have been testing for months, but the more eyes the better so your input will be extremely valuable. Have a look around, check out all the new features, then let us know if there is anything that is not living up to your standards or expectations.

> > > CLICK HERE for the beta site

The content is now far easier to discover as you scroll through the site, and you are also able to create a profile (completely free…), tell us what your favourites are, then we will feed you the content that is most relevant and exciting to you.

Special mention must be made of the new live-data coverage of football matches, so follow some games to enjoy a vastly improved experience.

There are also a few issues we know are not perfect - eg, the main spotlight images are sized for the current site - but let us know of anything that makes your brow furrow, and we'll jump on it. Not your brow, that is. We'll jump on the issue.

Send any thoughts and feedback through to We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

The SuperSport Digital team.
